The Roundtable Podcast 40

Week of 05.05.2013 Bangladesh Factory Fires | Syria | Left vs. Right: The Roundtable Goes Into the Weeds | Guns and Children | Canada Can’t Account for $3.1 Billion in Anti-Terror Expenditures | Søren Kierkegaard’s 200th Birthday | Cannibalism in Jamestown | Toronto Pastors Fleece Their Flock | Job Listing: Professional Porn Identifier

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One thought on “The Roundtable Podcast 40”

  1. Sadly planet earth is an unfriendly place vis a vis government and people. The pyramid structure set up so long ago, cannot ever change until the preyed upon say ‘No’.
    Until that recognition is made and action happens, nada.
    We have sweatshops in Canada fgs


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